Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is an approach we use at Dorothy Hall to promote school safety and good behavior. With PBIS, we teach our students about behavior expectations and strategies. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment.

The components of PBIS are as follows:

  • We establish expectations for behavior for the entire campus and specifically in the following areas:
    • Sidewalks
    • Hallways
    • Cafeteria
    • Playground
    • Restrooms
  • We teach expectations through discussion, coaching, and examples.
  • We utilize positive reinforcement:
    • Verbal reinforcement
    • “Caught Being a Hero” tickets that reinforce correct behavior and afford students opportunities for tangible rewards
  • We provide consistent consequences for students who make mistakes.

The goal of our PBIS program here at Dorothy Hall is to provide our students an environment that emphasizes being safe, respectful, and responsible.